About Us

About Next Robot

  • We believe untapped potential is everywhere. We believe in creativity. We believe in turning goals into reality. That’s why we’re committed to supporting every culinary venture become the next big thing. We do this by developing innovative, standardized, cost-effective, and easily programmable cooking robots that bridge the gap between creativity and efficiency.

Our Vision

  • To revolutionize the food industry by making nutritious, high-quality meals accessible and affordable for all. We achieve this by adding intelligence and precision to cooking devices, automating time-consuming, challenging, and hard-to-standardize tasks in commercial kitchens. Through innovation and efficiency, we aim to create a world where every meal contributes to a healthier future and a more meaningful impact on our planet.

Brand Values

Unimaginable creativity

We foster a culture where bold ideas thrive and encourage both our teams and clients to push boundaries and dream big. We embrace mistakes as a team to foster the best kind of ideas.


We listen and learn, remain open and honest with our clients and teams. We tackle challenges head-on to foster continous improvement and welcome actionable suggestions for ongoing improvement.


We provide products and services that enable our customers to seamlessly integrate new technology into their operations and consequently achieve greater business goals. No idea is too big, no starting point is too small.


Our eyes are on the future, we’re helping shape it. By understanding our clients’ businesses and their challenges, we provide innovative solutions and ideas that bridge technology with their future success.


The biggest change we want to drive is beyond the kitchen. We’re shaping a better world by helping cut waste, make nutritious food more accessible, and creating a positive change in every meal.